Driving Change with Outcomes: Empowering Health Science Career Students
As advocates for this vital field, understanding the significance of outcomes is paramount in driving positive change and progress. From measuring patient success rates to evaluating educational program effectiveness, outcomes provide invaluable insights that shape the future of healthcare. Join us as we delve into the transformative potential of outcomes and empower health science advocates to make a lasting impact on the lives of patients and the future of the profession.
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Locations of
Our High Schools
in the North Central Valley and Northern Mother Lode Subregion
The Central Valley/Mother Lode Center of Excellence (CVML COE) conducted a labor market analysis focusing on the two subregions comprising the larger Central Valley/Mother Lode region.
The community colleges in the subregion are shown to the right. The first half of the report addresses regional population characteristics and the labor force. Analysis of Strong Workforce Program metrics are provided for the subregion, region, and state.
A comparison of the number of postsecondary awards (degrees and certificates) with workforce demand (annual openings) by sector is presented in the Gap Analysis section. This section is intended to help community college leadership assess which workforce areas may be
undersupplied in the subregion.