Contribute to the Health Science Career Pathway Advocates
We appreciate your support in helping us address the Allied Health Care professional shortages in the eight (8) County Northern Central Valley Region. Your donations will allow us to establish a consortium with 8 high schools to provide education and training for the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Ways to Donate
We offer multiple ways to donate to our cause. You can donate in person by visiting our center, by phone, or online through our secure donation portal.
Donating online is quick and easy. Simply visit our secure donation portal and choose the amount you would like to donate. All donations are tax-deductible.
Donate Items
We appreciate in-kind donations such as medical equipment, textbooks, and educational materials. Please contact us to arrange for drop-off or pick-up of your donation.

Why Your Donations Matter
Quality health career programs are expensive
To function effectively and meet various requirements, operations entail several needs. These needs encompass specialized equipment, ongoing professional development for instructional staff, and assistance for students engaged in internship programs.
Grateful for Your Support
We appreciate any donation you're willing to make to support this program. Having well qualified health professionals benefits you and all residents of the motherlode region.
Our Partners
Working With the Best
Hospitals In The Region
Health Care
Providers & Health Force partners
Northern San
Joaquin Valley Providers
Sponsor Our Cause
We rely on the support of sponsors to help us achieve our mission. By sponsoring our consortium, you are investing in the future of healthcare and the next generation of healthcare professionals.